Mgr. Lenka Harmáčková, Ph.D.

Pozice vědecký pracovník
Kancelář 17. listopadu 50, kancelář 1.21
ORNIS, Bezručova 10, Přerov
Telefon +420 585 634 215
Osobní web
  • Výzkumné zaměření

    • Ornitologie
    • Makroekologie
    • Biodiverzita
    • Struktura společenstev
  • Projekty a granty

    Výzkumné projekty a granty.

  • Výuka

    ZOO/UEK Úvod do ekologie (seminář)
    ZOO/KPAND Kurz praktické analýzy dat
    ZOO/JAR Zpracování a prez. dat v prostředí R

  • Publikace

    Harmáčková, L. & Remeš, V. (accepted). The evolution of local co-occurrence in birds in relation to latitude, degree of sympatry, and range symmetry. The American Naturalist [early access]

    Remeš, V. & Harmáčková, L. (2023). Resource use divergence facilitates the evolution of secondary syntopy in a continental radiation of songbirds (Meliphagoidea): Insights from unbiased co-occurrence analyses. Ecography 2023: e06268.

    Remeš, V., Harmáčková, L., Matysioková, B., Rubáčová, L. & Remešová, E. (2022). Vegetation complexity and pool size predict species richness of forest birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 964180.

    Harmáčková, L. (2021). Interspecific feeding in birds: A short overview. Acta Ornithologica 56: 1–14.

    Harmáčková, L., Remešová, E. & Remeš, V. (2019). Specialization and niche overlap across spatial scales: Revealing ecological factors shaping species richness and coexistence in Australian songbirds. Journal of Animal Ecology 88: 1766–1776.

    Remeš, V. & Harmáčková, L. (2018). Disentangling direct and indirect effects of water availability, vegetation, and topography on avian diversity. Scientific Reports 8: 15475.
    Friedman, N. R., HarmáčkováL., Economo,  E.P. &  Remeš, V. (2017). Smaller beaks for colder winters: Thermoregulation drives beak size evolution in Australasian songbirds. Evolution 71:2120-2129.
    Harmáčková, L. & Remeš, V. (2017). The evolution of clutch size in Australian songbirds in relation to climate, predation, and nestling development. Emu-Austral Ornithology 117:333-343.
  • Publikace

    Harmáčková, L. & Remeš, V. (accepted). The evolution of local co-occurrence in birds in relation to latitude, degree of sympatry, and range symmetry. The American Naturalist [early access]

    Remeš, V. & Harmáčková, L. (2023). Resource use divergence facilitates the evolution of secondary syntopy in a continental radiation of songbirds (Meliphagoidea): Insights from unbiased co-occurrence analyses. Ecography 2023: e06268.

    Remeš, V., Harmáčková, L., Matysioková, B., Rubáčová, L. & Remešová, E. (2022). Vegetation complexity and pool size predict species richness of forest birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 964180.

    Harmáčková, L. (2021). Interspecific feeding in birds: A short overview. Acta Ornithologica 56: 1–14.

    Harmáčková, L., Remešová, E. & Remeš, V. (2019). Specialization and niche overlap across spatial scales: Revealing ecological factors shaping species richness and coexistence in Australian songbirds. Journal of Animal Ecology 88: 1766–1776.

    Remeš, V. & Harmáčková, L. (2018). Disentangling direct and indirect effects of water availability, vegetation, and topography on avian diversity. Scientific Reports 8: 15475.
    Friedman, N. R., HarmáčkováL., Economo,  E.P. &  Remeš, V. (2017). Smaller beaks for colder winters: Thermoregulation drives beak size evolution in Australasian songbirds. Evolution 71:2120-2129.
    Harmáčková, L. & Remeš, V. (2017). The evolution of clutch size in Australian songbirds in relation to climate, predation, and nestling development. Emu-Austral Ornithology 117:333-343.
  • Závěrečné práce

    Jméno Studijní program Rok obhajoby Název práce
    Harmáčková Lenka Zoologie (Ph.D.) 2019 Makroekologie, životní strategie a diverzita ptáků Austrálie
    Harmáčková Lenka Zoologie (Mgr.) 2013 Geografická variabilita ve funkčních znacích ptáků Austrálie


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