Mgr. Johana Hoffmannová

Pozice doktorand
Kancelář 17. listopadu 50, místnost 1.21
Telefon (+420) 585 634 215
  • Výzkumné zaměření

    Disertační práce: Systematika čeledi Elateridae (Coleoptera) se zaměřením na tribus Dimini
    Školitel: R. Kundrata

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  • Publikace

    Hoffmannová, J., Pačková, G., Prosvirov, A. S., Akhter, M. A. & Kundrata, R. (2023). An updated catalogue of Agrypninae (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Pakistan. Zootaxa 5270: 281–305.

    Hoffmannová, J. & Qiu, L. (2023). Description of a new species of Pseudocsikia Schimmel and Platia, 1991 (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Dimini) from Taiwan island. The Coleopterists Bulletin 77: 265–271.

    Németh, T., Hoffmannová, J., Kakiopoulos, G., Kramp, K. & Kundrata, R. (2023). Plastocerus angulosus (Germar, 1844) (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Dendrometrinae): An enigmatic click beetle with a convoluted taxonomic history. Zootaxa 5284: 271–290.

    Hoffmannová, J. & Kundrata, R. (2022). Diversity of the paedomorphic snail-eating click-beetle genus Malacogaster Bassi, 1834 (Elateridae: Agrypninae: Drilini) in the Mediterranean. Biology 11: 1503.

    Kundrata, R., Hoffmannová, J., Hinson, K.R., Keller, O. & Pačková, G. (2022). Rhagophthalmidae Olivier, 1907 (Coleoptera, Elateroidea): described genera and species, current problems, and prospects for the bioluminescent and paedomorphic beetle lineage. ZooKeys, 1126: 55–130.

    Szabó, M., Kundrata, R., Hoffmannová, J., Németh, T., Bodor, E., Szenti, I., Prosvirov, A. S., Kukovecz, Á. & Ősi, A. (2022). The first mainland European Mesozoic click-beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) revealed by x-ray micro-computed tomography scanning of an Upper Cretaceous amber from Hungary. Scientific Reports 12: 24.

    Kundrata, R., Németh, T., Prosvirov, A. S. & Hoffmannová, J. (2021). Annotated catalogue of the click-beetle genus Elathous Reitter, 1890 (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Dendrometrinae), including habitus photographs for all species. Zootaxa 4995: 231–265.

    Kundrata, R., Pačková, G., Kairišs, K., Bukejs, A., Hoffmannová, J. & Blank, S. M. (2021). The first Ptilodactyla (Coleoptera: Dryopoidea: Ptilodactylidae) described from Eocene Baltic amber. Biology 10: 877.

    Kundrata, R., Pačková, G., Prosvirov, A. S. & Hoffmannová, J. (2021). The fossil record of Elateridae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea): Described species, current problems and future prospects. Insects 12: 286.

    Pačková, G., Hoffmannová, J. & Kundrata, R. (2021). Drilini (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Agrypninae) of Iran. The Coleopterists Bulletin 75: 579–586.

    Faucheux, M. J., Németh, T., Hoffmannová, J. & Kundrata, R. (2020). Scanning electron microscopy reveals the antennal micromorphology of Lamprodila (Palmar) festiva (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), an invasive pest of ornamental Cupressaceae in Western Palearctic. Biology 9: 375.

    Kundrata, R., Pačková, G. & Hoffmannová, J. (2020). Fossil genera in Elateridae (Insecta, Coleoptera): A Triassic origin and Jurassic diversification. Insects 11: 394.

    Kundrata, R. & Hoffmannová, J. (2020). Annotaed catalogue of the click-beetle genera Hapatesus Candѐze, 1863 and Toorongus Neboiss, 1957 (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from the Australasian realm. Zootaxa 4885: 221–234.

    Kundrata, R., Bukejs, A., Prosvirov, A. S. & Hoffmannová, J. (2020). X-ray micro-computed tomography reveals a unique morphology in a new click-beetle (Coleoptera, Elateridae) from the Eocene Baltic amber. Scientific Reports 10: 20158.

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